AscendXYZ is proud to announce the launch of our new website that matches our expanding role as an expert solution provider for the aviation industry.
Our new website provides a clear message of what we stand for and where our value lies when developing, delivering and supporting digital aviation solutions. The website now has an improved intuitive and consistent site-wide navigation system that directs you to the information most relevant to you. It is also easy to navigate on a wide range of web browsers and portable devices.
We’ve introduced several new products, including Avian Radar and Digital Airport solution, as well as significant updates for the other solutions. Furthermore, we added a range of new content to the website, including downloadable product information, that provides you with a walkthrough of our products, creates a better understanding of developed solutions and their integration with existing processes.
In addition, our popular blog has received a much-needed makeover and grew to a News section enabling you to access the articles that matter to you through smart topic filters.
Another major update – due to high demand from our customers, our new website is now available in Spanish! It has been a big task, but worth the work, since we want our content to be more accessible worldwide.
Last, but not least, we introduced a new Airport Operations XYZ magazine, focused on airport safeguarding, management and operations. In the Winter 2018 issue, you will find news on various airport operations related topics, including improvements and new technology. The magazine is available on our website (free to download or read online), and – it is available both in English and Spanish languages.
Going forward, we will continue to communicate regularly through our articles in the News section. We also plan to continue adding more video content and product information to provide you with all of the information you need to evaluate our products and services.
We are proud of the new website and feel it will create the experience you are looking for when you pay us a visit. Check out the new website here:
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